Tallahassee Elks Lodge #937

NOTICE: To the general public, Guest, Members, and visitors, by participating in any Tallahassee Elks Lodge #937 event, for being allowed to participate in such event, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Tallahassee Elks Lodge #937, its officers, employees, and members from any claim and/or attorney fees arising out of your participation in any event, except for the sole negligence of the Lodge. You further agree the Lodge is not responsible for damage to your property and waive subrogation on any insurance policy you may have. Furthermore, you agree to allow the use of photographs or images arising out of your participation in any event.

Election Voting

Voting begins at 7am and ends at 7pm.

FSU vs. Syracuse 8:00pm

Come watch your favorite college football team in the lounge! Snacks to share are always welcome!

Bar Bingo 6:30 pm

Come join us for Bar Bingo @ 6:30 pm for fun & games, drinks and good conversation with your fellow Elks!

Cyber Monday

Check out all of the great deals online for Cyber Monday!

Bingo & Burger Night

Come join us for Bingo night and burgers! We will have burgers, hotdogs and French fries. Volunteers are always needed for our many successful Bingo nights on Wednesdays! Early Bingo is from 5pm-7pm and Late Bingo is from 7pm-10pm. Please see Cathy if you would like to volunteer!

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